The Painting Experience Affiliate Program

One Year Affiliate Program
As a Painting Experience Affiliate, you will carry on the legacy and values of process arts as practiced by The Painting Experience while bringing forth your own unique individuality as a practitioner and guide. As an Affiliate, you’ll be supported in your development as a facilitator. Here are some examples:
Benefits and Opportunities
- Your name, Affiliate status and website link will be listed on The Painting Experience website in order for you to draw a wider audience to the work you’re offering.
- You will have opportunities to co-facilitate in-person workshops, Online Group Mentoring and online Process Circles.
- You will be able to attend both group and individual mentoring sessions at a reduced fee.
- You may attend online workshops and weekly painting sessions at no cost if there’s room.
Access to Resources
- You will have continued access to archived written materials from The Painting Experience knowledge base.
- How To Set Up A Workshop
- How To Host A Workshop
- Potentail Workshop Facilities
- Workshop Rental Contracts
- You will be a member of the Affiliate Slack Channel to connect with the staff and other facilitators for collaboration, shared topics of interest and expertise.
How You Can Contribute
- You will have opportunities to make presentations to the community on topics of your choice.
- If interested, you can organize regional Affiliate gatherings and participate in in-person trainings in collaboration with The Painting Experience.
- Completed The Principles of Process Arts
- Completed The Art of Facilitating
- Completed a minimum of 99 hours of weekly online sessions (can include Practicum painting hours)
- Completed at least three Process Arts Practicums
- Completed at least one Process Circle
- Completed and submitted an Affiliate application
When you meet the above requirements, you will have enough first-hand experience to know if you want to carry on the values and methods of The Painting Experience in your work. Conversely, the staff will know you well enough to determine whether you are a good fit for the Affiliate Program.
Admission to the program is limited, and not all who apply will be accepted. Becoming an Affiliate does not assume that you will join The Painting Experience as staff, Associate, or be employed by our organization.