
On the Painting Experience Podcast, founder Stewart Cubley explores the potential of the emerging field of process arts and shares inspiration and insights from his ongoing workshops and retreats.
Laura Chasko, Affiliate
I discovered the Painting Experience in 2017 and was immediately hooked. It was a transformational experience for me, and I love being able to share this possibility with others. Process painting has enhanced all aspects of my world, helping me to trust the unfolding of life, however it occurs. As a cranial sacral and energy healing therapist, the trust, willingness to stay in the moment, and openness to new ways of creative expression I have gained are invaluable. My creativity as an abstract painter (and doodler extraordinaire) has flourished as I blend the worlds of process painting expression with painting to create a “product.” As a facilitator, I value creating a safe space for others to explore and expand their creativity in new ways, to accept what wants to be expressed, to stretch and grow, and to have a bit of fun while we’re at it. In 2020, I moved from the U.S. to Costa Rica, where I enjoy introducing others to the magic and potential of process painting.
Katie Birchenough, Affiliate
Although I was born with an artist’s soul and yearned to paint, it wasn’t until a Process Painting workshop with Stewart Cubley in 1997 that I realized painting was available to everyone. Yet even after that revelation, I continued on my roundabout journey which included theater performance and teaching, shiatsu practitioner, marriage and motherhood, business owner, and horsemanship—until I arrived back at Stewart’s door. Immersed in process painting, the creative wound that had kept me apart from full expression and wholeness began to heal. I’m fascinated by the claws of perfectionism, the healing balm of humor, and the power of acceptance to create a safe and fertile space where expression and surprise can flourish.
Bob Hardy, Affiliate
Great appreciation goes out from my heart being able to participate and engage in the Painting Experience over the decades. With renewed commitment and dedication in becoming an affiliate has been a rewarding adventure in supporting all who would like to engage their creativity and imagination for deeper personal insights. Facilitating the Painting Process is a subtle art of being present, encouraging movement and being delighted at the energy, colors, and forms that appear. The potential excitement comes in one’s self-reflections that can be life-changing.
I continue to provide in-person and online workshops. Please feel free to contact me with questions and opportunities to engage in this meaningful process at Hardyarts@gmail.com
Looking forward to seeing you at the next workshop!