Thanks For Sharing Your Experience!

Hello! We rely on the power of word-of-mouth recommendations: most people who find their way to one of our workshops have come because they’ve been moved by hearing someone’s personal story. We thank you for sharing a bit about your experience at one of our workshops!

We will read everything that’s submitted here with great appreciation and, unless you request to remain anonymous, by submitting this form you give us permission to share your comments as a testimonial on our website, in the emails that we send to our subscribers or on our social media pages. Don’t worry: the words that you submit here will not be automatically posted on the website. They’ll come to us privately first (and we may edit a bit for grammar and spelling).

Post Work-Shop Comments

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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Address: The Painting Experience
PO Box 309 Fairfax, CA 94978
Phone: (415) 488-6880

Office Hours: (Pacific Time Zone)
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday/Sunday: Closed