Jung and Imagination

Jung and Imagination

"Our fate restricts us so that our destiny can find us . . .” ~ Michael Meade, Fate and Destiny, The Two Agreements of the Soul One of the insights that comes from process painting is the inevitability of what we perceive as our limitations. Behind every brushstroke lurks the insistent voice that we are lacking [...]
Letting Creativity Support Your Well-Being

Letting Creativity Support Your Well-Being

As individuals, we who are affiliated with The Painting Experience are among millions of concerned people who actively support basic freedoms and rights—for immigrants, for women, for the environment, for anyone who lacks access to the fundamental resources they need. As an organization, The Painting Experience fosters these intentions by making a home for the [...]
The Courage to Create

The Courage to Create

Process painting gifts us with many insights and understandings that become landmarks in our own personal journey. It's not a narcissistic activity, as some might think, because by working on ourselves, we are working on the world. In the mirror of painting, our narcissistic tendencies are revealed as creative blocks, and we must emerge from [...]
The Illusion of Control

The Illusion of Control

There’s a pointing mechanism in the painting process: When we attempt to control, aliveness and vitality diminish, and this reads back to us through our experience—tiredness, boredom, conflict, and judgment. The illusion of control projects the desired outcome on one side and the feared result on the other. Duality is born before our very eyes. [...]
Process Art Basics

Process Art Basics

Process painting is not about technique, skill or training. It's about using the tools of art to explore creativity itself. Here are seven fundamental ideas about the practice of process arts to fuel your creative exploration: Process painting is not something to learn or get better at. It's about being. The act of creation is [...]