You have a job to do

My hands already exist in the next world. I know this because I saw them in a dream. So they have a job to do. Reach over and grab my head, my eyes, tongue And touch my heart With their new wisdom.

Carl Jung: A Letter to Frau V

On December 15, 1933, Jung responded to a woman who had asked his guidance on, quite simply, how to live.  Dear Frau V., Your questions are unanswerable because you want to know how one ought to live. One lives as one can. There is no single, definite way for the...

Teresita Fernandez

Rest completely assured that what you don’t know about something is also a form of knowledge, though much harder to understand. In many ways, making art is like blindly trying to see the shape of what you do not yet know. Whenever you catch a glimpse of that...

Pope Francis

To love is not the pretension that life should correspond to our imagination. Rather, it means to choose in complete freedom to take responsibility for life as it comes.


“It’s impossible”, said pride. “It’s risky”, said experience. “It’s pointless”, said reason.  “Give it a try”,  whispered the heart.