by iDvlpr Marketing | Nov 21, 2019
Who is doing the work? In process painting, which is a tool for self-exploration, which is a type of meditation, who is doing the work? Is it you, as a conscious entity, or is it the unconscious itself, the creative source that is doing the work?
by iDvlpr Marketing | Nov 21, 2019
To make art is to sing with the human voice.
To do this you must first learn that the only voice you need is the voice you already have.
by iDvlpr Marketing | Nov 21, 2019
seeker of truth follow no path all paths lead where truth is here
by iDvlpr Marketing | Nov 21, 2019
Your hand needs time to wander enough to be able to find something you weren’t aware of, like an expedition partner who can see things you can’t. The hand is experiencing the same world in a different way. It’s you but it’s not you.
by iDvlpr Marketing | Nov 21, 2019
When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego, and when we escape like squirrels turning in the cages of our personality and get into the forests again, we shall shiver with cold and fright but things will happen to us so that we don’t know ourselves. Cool,...