Online Painting Weekend Scholarships Online Painting Weekends: Apply for a Scholarship The Painting Experience Scholarship Application - New This form is not used to make a reservation for a workshop. To register, please visit our Programs & Retreats page.* OK, got it. First Name*Last Name*Address*City*State*Zip Code*Email* Phone*1. Specify the workshop(s) and dates you are applying for in the order of preference.*2. Briefly describe your desire to participate in The Painting Experience*3. How do you imagine The Painting Experience workshop will be of assistance to you at this time?*4. Briefly describe your need for financial assistance.*5. Would you be willing to fill out a questionnaire immediately after the workshop that may be used as a testimonal?* Yes No 6. The generosity of others makes our scholarship program work. When you receive assistance, we ask you to consider how you may be of help in return. Please review the items below. Check off the ones you'd be willing to do.* I can help promote The Painting Experience workshops by networking in my community I can share information about The Painting Experience via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc) I can make a donation to the Scholarship Fund. Here's a space to propose your own creative way of reciprocating. What are some other ways that you'd be willing to help? (Or, use this space to write more details about one of the above options that you've chosen).PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Online CoursesAwakening The Creative The Principles of Process Arts ~ Process Circles The Art of Facilitating ~ Community Forum Making Your Course More Personal Facilitator Training Program Our Affiliate Program Our Associate Program