Online Painting
Online Painting is a way to sustain a home painting practice with the support of a virtual community of process painters from around the world. Join a growing community of painters who value the powerful practice of process painting as a tool for their ongoing creative development and personal growth. You’ll receive personal attention from Stewart Cubley or another Painting Experience facilitator.
When I’m in the class, I notice a space or energy created that feels safe, inviting and open.
This grants a permission to go inside myself and a permission for everyone else to do the same.
I don’t’ feel distracted by what anyone else is doing –
the fact that we don’t comment on each others work allows me to focus deeply on what needs to unfold.
~ RS, December 2020
Questions related to working online?
Questions related to signing up?

Magic happens at a Painting Experience workshop, but it’s easy to lose sight of your hard-won insights once you return to everyday life. Here’s what we’ve discovered:
- Community matters. Staying in contact with others involved with painting for process stimulates you to keep your own connection alive.
- Accountability works. Having a date and time on your calendar supports you to show up for personal process time.
- Technology rocks. Video conferencing technology has come a long way in recent years. We’re taking it out of the conference room and into the creative process to support and sustain a thriving, creative community.
“I appreciate the almost instant attention that is available to me. The online system is so easy to use. It’s almost miraculous.” ~ Dolly Chye, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
When you paint online, you’ll experience the same supportive studio environment that you find at an in-person workshop.
- Share your process. We begin each session with a brief check-in and reserve some time at the end for a closing.
- Ask questions. As we paint, Stewart or another facilitator checks in with each person one at a time and offers personal facilitation.
- Learn and discover. Although the facilitators work with one individual at a time, all painters are hearing all of the facilitation that is offered. Many people have found this to be an unexpected benefit that adds value to their experience.
“I enjoy being able to listen to how Stewart manages the different issues each one has with his/her painting. He crafts his language to reassure and persuade someone to embrace and paint through a block. It is very effective in its thoughtfulness.“
Take a look at our Online Painting calendar. Purchase sessions. Sign up anytime for the dates that fit your schedule.
- Plan ahead. See a session on our calendar that fits your schedule? Sign up for that date as far in advance as you’d like. You can always re-schedule later if you can’t make it.
- Or be spontaneous! Wake up and feel like painting with us? If we’re online that day, purchase a session, sign up and come on in! Last-minute sign-ups are okay if there’s room.
- Get reminders. Opt-in to have Online Painting reminders delivered to your inbox.
New to the process? Consider attending a workshop or retreat.
And stay tuned for the upcoming online course Awakening the Creative. Designed with the beginner in mind, this will be the online version of the course we have taught for years in our workshops and retreats around the world. If you’d like to be notified when registration for the course is open, subscribe here and be sure to check the box next to “Interest in Beginner’s Online Course”.

Use What You Have
If you’ve attended a Painting Experience workshop, you know the supplies we use are simple and always the same: same paints, same brushes, same paper. We do that to minimize distraction and keep the focus on deepening your practice. But there’s no magic in the supplies we use; any materials will work just fine when used in the spirit of process.
To that end, we hope the following suggestions will help you put together the supplies you’ll need for a home process art practice.

My photo is to inspire people who don’t think they can! I’m in a studio apartment . . . iPad propped on books, dresser moved out from wall, tall light slid over from across the room. Love it! ~ Dyane
To join us from home, it’s not even necessary to have paint. We do encourage you to work with color, but there are many options for that: colored markers, pens, crayons, pastels—or any kind of paint you have that you find easy to work with.
Likewise, you have many options for paper. Choose whatever will support your paint, markers, pens, or crayons. For a pallet, you can use something like the lid from a plastic tub; think big yogurt container. For a pallet knife, any plastic knife is a good substitute.

Right now I am into pencils . . . as you can see. I have made my art every day like this. It’s always hanging there for me to be inspired and add something to it. I just love colors and shapes, and when I’m happy or sad or anxious I express it there too. ~ Gigi
Ordering Online in the U.S.A.
In many parts of the world right now, all but the most essential shops are closed. Depending on what’s happening at the time you read this, however, you may be able to order art supplies online—including directly from us. We don’t sell paint, but we do have a small stock of brushes and paper on hand. As long as we’re permitted to go to the post office, we can ship these supplies within the United States.
To find our recommended brands and sources for ordering paint, brushes, and paper, see the article Paints, Paper, Brushes and Time. The article also contains tips for using these materials.
For Our Canadian Painters
Our senior facilitator Annie Rousseau is available to help those of you in Canada who need supplies. For paint, she recommends Chromatemp, which is currently available in Western Canada from Opus Art Supplies. For brushes, she likes this Royal Grip starter set.
And for as long as her post office allows, she can ship the type of paper we use in our workshops directly to you. If you’re interested in this option, send a note to Annie using our online contact form and we will forward your note to her.

Last year, I did not have space where I lived at the time, and so painted on the refrigerator. ~ Peyton
I took over the space I had set aside as a play space for my grandchildren that they don’t use anymore. I just taped up brown paper and find that tacks work better to hang the painting paper than tape. I have a table next to it to hold paints, water, and brushes. I have a storage cabinet nearby to hold the paper. That’s about it. There’s only two of us here and it’s a pretty private space. It really is pretty simple. There’s even room for the dog. ~ Terry
- Download “Zoom Client for Meetings.”
- Set up a simple painting area.
- Set up your computer or mobile device in the same room as your painting area so that the camera on your computer/device is facing your painting and so that you can sit comfortably in front of it for our brief intro and closing discussions.
- Yes, all painting sessions are recorded for educational purposes. See Terms and Conditions Privacy.
- If there is an interaction during the session that you’d prefer not be be recorded, please let the host know and the recording will be paused ahead of time or later removed.
Have a Package or Discount Code Already?
- Choose a session. Click on the time that appears below the date. Then click Continue.
- Enter your name and email address.
- Click the box that says “Have a package/discount code?
- It will then say “Code or Email”.
- If you have a package, just enter your email address!
- If you have a code, enter that.
- Click “Complete”.
CE Credits are available for MFT/LCSW/LPCC/LEP/RN
- Per six session class package (18 credit hours)
- The fee is $25 (email us when you’ve completed your 18 hours)
- Fill out our Online Evaluation Form AFTER completing your sessions
- You’ll receive your Certificate of Completion within 15 days
Wait List
You’ll be notified in order of signup if a space open up.
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