Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction

 It is important to learn to use destructive energy in a creative way; if you don’t, it will turn against you.An act of destruction usually brings a few seconds of pleasure, and this is why it is so tempting. But it leaves you with a bitter taste, a sense of failure. When painting for process, [...]
Painting Outside the Lines

Painting Outside the Lines

It is time to reclaim that which every child knows and is taught to forget: the essential right to create without interference or shame. In creative or spontaneous painting, the defining moment is when you face the fertile white void. Your openness and your courage to step into that void with the spirit of exploration are all [...]
Is Your Painting Finished?

Is Your Painting Finished?

You are finished when the painting is finished inside you.What comes after you believe you are finished may be the most important time in your painting.Levels of CompletionEvery process painting has cycles of birth, maturation, and death, and within every cycle a pulse beats. There are several levels of completion, and after each level you [...]
The Myth of Inspiration : Don’t Wait to Paint

The Myth of Inspiration : Don’t Wait to Paint

 Wherever you are is the entry point. ~ KabirWho does not feel the tingle of excitement at the prospect of painting? Paint is sensuous. Its rich vibrant colors and its yielding smoothness make you want to taste the delicious enjoyment of applying it to paper. To stand before the white void with a rich spectrum [...]
Painting Is Not Just About Painting

Painting Is Not Just About Painting

 Your creative power, once revived, is not likely to stay silent in your daily existence.If painting were just about painting, it would be of little interest. Painting does not occupy a limited compartment of life, but thrusts its roots and branches into the deepest parts of us, transforming our ways of being.It's Not What You Do, [...]