Explore the Process
Process painting makes the experience of painting more important than the outcome. When the pressures to perform, produce or succeed are removed, magic happens.
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The Painting Experience is an opportunity to embark on the greatest of all human adventures—embracing your own path and confidently following it.
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The process painting workshops are for educators, counselors, artists, activists, meditators and mavericks. No prior art experience or training is necessary – only your willingness to explore.
The Painting Experience Process
In these process painting workshops, you’ll be given the support to:
- Discover a creative voice that’s entirely your own
- Trust your intuitive perception, not the mind’s critical chatter
- Follow your energy rather than what looks good or makes sense
- Overcome blocks by embracing their hidden message
- Experience your imagination as intelligent – a doorway to deeper knowing
- Explore process painting as a genuine path to spiritual awakening<
The Community
The Painting Experience has grown from modest beginnings in 1976 to many thousands of painters worldwide today. The community is a diverse group of individuals that value the creative process and recognize it as central to a fulfilling life. Participation in the community takes many forms:
- Periodically attending Workshops and Retreats
- Joining Online Courses
- Keeping active on The Painting Experience Blog
- And now, for an increasing number of people, discovering the joy of becoming a process arts facilitator.
We hope you’ll find the level of involvement that feels right to you, and we welcome you to the rich discussions and in-depth experiences that await you within The Painting Experience Community.
Latest Posts
How Will We Greet This World?
Earlier this month, the facilitators and affiliates of The Painting Experience came together for a week at Still Meadow Retreat Center outside of Portland, Oregon for our annual gathering. This is a time for us to explore the experiences we’ve had during the year...
To look within is an act of courage. To be with yourself exactly where you are can be anything from mundane to blissful to almost intolerably uncomfortable. To be present requires letting go of judgment. In order to truly explore, there needs to be a stillness in...
The Illusion of Control
There’s a pointing mechanism in the painting process: When we attempt to control, aliveness and vitality diminish, and this reads back to us through our experience—tiredness, boredom, conflict, and judgment. The illusion of control projects the desired outcome on one...
Facilitating Process Arts: A Guiding Principle
The moment you get into the quest for the Self and begin to go deeper, the real Self is waiting there to receive you, and then whatever is to be done is done by something else and you, as an individual, have no hand in it. ~ Ramana Marharshi With twenty, thirty or...
What is Process Painting?
Some people speak of a sudden event that forever alters the way in which they perceive the world, including who they are in it. Others seek out extreme situations that tax their bodies and minds in order to break down and hopefully break free. But for most of us the journey home is a series of close approaches to and seeming retreats from the unfathomable mystery held within our own present experience.
The opportunity that process painting offers is to fully inhabit the moment right now just as it is. It’s a practice that requires us to drop the insane rush toward the imagined goal and to discover being at home with ourselves. The transformation that occurs when we touch our creative essence is nothing short of miraculous. There’s an expansiveness in which the circumstances of our lives are held differently, and our world appears in its potential rather than it’s limitation. For a moment at least, we perceive the incredible mystery of existence, and we know what it means to accept our place in the scheme of things.
There is no formula by which the creative impulse will manifest in any individual’s life, but its birth requires a clear environment for exploration. First, there needs to be a safe, supportive space in which we can begin to escape the tyranny of expectation and let down the defenses we’ve erected around our own deep listening. Next is the courage to look at those areas where we’re challenged, to stand our ground when we come to the edge. And then there’s the integration, where we set down the brush and take up the task of living. For the painting process is but a metaphor, its purpose is to lift us beyond the palette and to meet our lives with fresh eyes.
~ Stewart Cubley
The Painting Experience on-site workshops and retreats. We will resume hosting in-person workshops and retreats as soon as it’s safe to do so.
We have a robust schedule of online painting classes and online weekend workshops as well as our popular online course, The Principles of Process Arts and The Art of Facilitating. Stay tuned for other opportunities coming soon.
To support you in the transition to online painting, here’s a link to the blog post Getting Ready To Paint At Home.
Please stay safe and do not hesitate to reach out to us by email at office@processarts.com.
Stewart Cubley & The Painting Experience Staff