Betsy Vingle, Senior Facilitator
Born and raised in South Florida, Betsy was known as an artist until she enrolled in “art school.” After a rough start at the University of Georgia majoring in painting and drawing, she did an about-face and changed her major to biochemistry and nutrition. She became a chiropractor and had a very successful practice in Fort Lauderdale for ten years before having a daughter and seeking for a slower pace in the mountains of North Carolina. Betsy first experienced the Painting Experience at a workshop held in Asheville in 1999 and it was there she realized why she had abandoned her art and her creativity: She had connected art with the vulnerability of her first year in school and no longer felt secure in her self-expression. The weekend workshop gave her a completely safe environment to re-establish the connection, and she was hooked. Betsy currently lives outside of Asheville, practices chiropractic, conducts painting classes at her studio in Brevard and co-facilitates workshops with The Painting Experience.