Be Fierce: The Way Out Is In!

Be Fierce: The Way Out Is In!

When “what is” is what is, “what is” is no longer what is. ~ J. Krishnamurti I was once teaching a workshop at a retreat center when I arrived to find the room far from ready. There’s much work to prepare the studio for a week-long painting course -- lights, protective coverings for the floors [...]
Process Painting : Don’t Kill the Void!

Process Painting : Don’t Kill the Void!

The untouched surface has a special power.The void is the source of all creation. In process painting, your willingness to meet this emptiness without panic is your greatest ally. Let the blank paper challenge you and see what happens!Emptiness Calls Forth Your CreativityPeople sometimes start their paintings by filling in the background -- the whole [...]
Process Art Basics

Process Art Basics

Process painting is not about technique, skill or training. It's about using the tools of art to explore creativity itself. Here are seven fundamental ideas about the practice of process arts to fuel your creative exploration: Process painting is not something to learn or get better at. It's about being. The act of creation is [...]
Five Ways Self-Compassion Supports Your Painting Practice

Five Ways Self-Compassion Supports Your Painting Practice

When we are able to soothe ourselves -- to take a risk and continue painting anyway -- we can experience great relief from the confines of fear and perfectionism. In the first post in this series on self-compassion, we looked at how practicing self-compassion can help us expand our creative potential. There, I introduced the [...]
Reclaiming Play Through Process Painting

Reclaiming Play Through Process Painting

I hadn't realized how much I needed to play, and my body and spirit jumped at the chance. My first sensation in a process painting workshop was the feeling of happy, engrossed play. I was in a crowded studio at Esalen, there were rows of vibrant color, brushes of various shapes and sizes, the medium [...]